
Steve Aoki: Wonderland

Since Steve Aoki’s live performance is tomorrow, here’s a little sumthin’ sumthin’ to get you pumped.


The Magnificent Seven: Would-Be Indie Darlings, Dance Punks and the Obscure

This year, these are our personal magnificent seven in a scene of hundreds. They are the dance punks, the would-be indie darlings, and the obscure.


Azmyl Yunor & The Sigarettes: Nicotine Fix for the Worn Out Soul

JUICE spoke to the ever erudite folk rocker Azmyl Yunor on trivial things like his “Aku Bukan Azmyl Yunor” statement tee and not really trivial ideal of a borderless world.


Shieko Reto: Candid Cartoons

Discrimination comes in many forms, as JUICE finds out from Shieko Reto, a visual artist and advocate of sexuality rights. Daily struggles intertwined with the state of affairs, personal or otherwise are in the form of her drawings, a distinctive example to express individuality in our ‘muhibbah’ society…


Hanger A/W 2010 Launch Party @ Hex

Hex was definitely the place to see and be seen on Saturday night as the fashionably elite gathered for the launch of Hanger AW 2010. From the sweet sultry cupcakes, sounds and crowd, this launch turned into a delicious night that cranked up the heat in this city!


Our Shout! Award Predictions

This Saturday marks the big Shout! Awards to celebrate Malaysia’s best and brightest in the Malaysian entertainment industry. We decided to give our completely biased, totally unqualified and generally not well thought out opinion on who we think is going to have something shout about come Sunday morning. (Ooh, see what we did there?)


Shout! Awards

Malaysian talent in the entertainment scene to be recognized at Shout Awards!


Interview: Mile High Sounds

Get acquainted with Ableton with Mile High Sounds.


The History of House

Get schooled in the history of House and prepare yourself for it’s revival

Splendour In The Grass

Splendour Diary: Day 2 – Saturday 31 July

Muna Noor lives a life long ambition to spoon with The Strokes. Plus Florence predicts a riot and Scissor Sisters get saucy on Day 2 of Splendour In the Grass