M’sian Sells Sushi From His Car For Only RM1 & Even Encourages Netizens To Help Him Give Away Free Sushi

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(Source: M star)

The extension of the CMCO has definitely been a bummer for most people, especially the ones who have been struggling to keep their business afloat. Therefore, some feel-good news would definitely alleviate some of that stress we’re all feeling at the moment.

Recently, a viral tweet has been circulating Twitter regarding a local sushi seller, Muhammad Hafidz Adhha who sells his sushi for only RM1 at his car boot. He even planned to give away 50 pieces of sushi to the needy.

Little did the 25-year-old know that his good deed would be shared on social media and that many would recognise his efforts and chip in to support the initiative and the business.

According to the Malay Mail, Hafidz had taken 1,000 pieces of sushi on that day, of which 350 were given away to the hungry, which was the result of donations, as well as his weekly allocation. As for the balance, 650 was snatched up within two hours.

(Source : @hafidzshibab on twitter)

Many netizens on social media have also shown Hafidz immense support by complimenting his efforts and even ordering from him too. Some netizens are even excited to visit his stall.




In the future, Hafidz hopes to open his boot for a day, not to sell sushi but just to give away sushi and welcome the people to join him in his philanthropy.

It’s amazing and wholesome how people are still continuing to keep up the #RakyatJagaRakyat spirit.

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