M’sian NGO, Children’s Wish Society Fulfils Wishes of 2 Sick Young Girls by Gifting Them Laptops

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source: Children’s Wish Society on Facebook

Targeted towards fulfilling wishes of children stricken with life-limiting or terminal illnesses across Malaysia, Children’s Wish Society (CWS) of Malaysia has been allocating their time, energy and resources into making life for these children happier and easier.

Recently, they’ve granted the wishes of two young girls with debilitating diseases by gifting them laptops.

The first recipient is 11-year-old, Nur Afifah binti Mat Nawi, who was born with Spinal Muscular Astrophy (SMA) Type 2. This disease means that Afifah is wheelchair-bound and has scoliosis and respiratory issues that are life-threatening. The offspring of parents who sell banana fritters for income, Afifah’s physiotherapy sessions are in jeopardy due to the pandemic that has since caused her parents to close the stall.

Despite the constant challenges, Afifah is still adamant on studying and learning new things. She uses her smartphone to participate in Zoom meetings and classes for her school. She revealed to one of her doctors that she would love a laptop to help her access her classes easier.

Due to this, CWS caught wind of her wishes and swooped in to give Afifah what she wants.

When Afifah received her laptop, she grinned from ear-to-ear and it almost brought tears to her father’s eyes to see her so happy.

The second recipient is 14-year-old, Noralisa Sofia Mohd Azel, who has left pelvic Ewing Sarcoma Stage IV with lung metastasis. This tough cookie has gone through radiotherapy a total of 25 times. She has been battling cancer since 2018.

When CWS found out about Noralisa’s passion for baking, as she constantly researches recipes online through her smartphone before proceeding to bake and sell her treats, the organisation paid her a visit with a new laptop in-hand. Now, Noralisa is able to watch online demos of baking tutorials on a bigger screen as well as access online classes easily.

To keep up with CWS and their philanthropy, click here and here.

To donate to Afifah’s physiotherapy sessions, click here.

To donate to Noralisa’s treatment, click here.

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