JUICE Ranks The Most Absurd Quotes From M’sian Celebrity Anti-Vaxxers

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If you’re a frequenter of the internet, you’re bound to come across a few hilarious headlines involving Malaysian celebrities here and there.

It’s all part and parcel of consuming media at this point to feel either agitated or downright pissed off at some of the things our starlets have to say.

Ranging from bad takes on U.S politics to offensive religious material, Malaysian celebrities have never shied away from causing a stir.

So naturally, some of them are going to have an opinion on the vaccine rollouts and we’re here to rank the most absurd quotes from Malaysian celebrities involving their stance on being anti-vaccine.

Without further ado, here is a list of things Malaysian celebrities have to say about the vaccines. Prepare to laugh (or cry and lose hope in humanity)… 

Rita Rudaini

Mami Jarum (2002) - IMDb
Rita Rudaini (right) in Mami Jarum

Making headlines almost every day, this Mami Jarum actress is avoiding the only jarum that matters right now.

Technically, Rita isn’t as bad as the rest since her stance on the vaccines reflect the reasoning of most anti-vaxxers, being that there is not enough research done on it for it to be entirely trustworthy, but because she keeps running her mouth, netizens are more infuriated with her than sympathetic.

When asked about her decision to not get vaccinated, Rita simply likened it to having a favourite colour. In an interview with Berita Harian she said, “If you like the colour blue, you’re not going to force everyone else to like the colour blue.”

source: Oh Bulan

She’s been called out for her mindset multiple times but the most incendiary would be her response to a theatre director Siti Rohaya Attan who highlighted that actors who are not vaccinated can’t get jobs.

She said, “You should look in the mirror and reflect. Is there nothing else for you to worry about that you need to worry about me? You’re the one that’s ‘sick’. You better top-up and get 7 doses of the vaccine. I don’t even know you and I’m not bothering you. Pathetic! Sick! Psycho!”

Showbiz: Rita Rudaini prepared to be dropped from productions
source: NST

Taking the hate in stride, she believes her plight is akin to the prophet. She feels inspired by the prophet’s kindness and integrates it into her own life.

She said, “I take inspiration from the prophet Muhammad SAW. Even when people threw faeces at him, he simply smiled. I’ve only been insulted and criticised. I can’t feel sad. Instead, I must use it as a means to become stronger.”

As long as she’s staying away from the sets and avoiding travel, she’s okay in my book.

Ellie Suriaty

Beri Pandangan Terhadap Filem Mael Totey The Movie, Ellie Suriaty Akui Kesal Dikecam Netizen
source: Beautifulnara

Going from being hailed as one of the most prolific actresses in the local film industry, Ellie Suriaty has suffered a fall from grace when she outed herself as an anti-vaxxer amidst the fatal loom of the Covid-19 pandemic.

While her stance on the vaccine is certainly not nearly as bad as the other celebrities mentioned on this list, it’s important to note her disapproval of the jab since she’s one of the more outspoken local artists when it comes to rejecting it.

Living on traditional holistic medicine such as homeopathic treatment and eating food based on the sunnah (teachings of the prophet), Ellie believes that drinking water mixed with lemon, honey, cinnamon and cloves is enough to protect her family and herself against the virus that has since claimed millions of lives. For most of us, that just seems like a drink to cure constipation.

In an interview with Metro Kini, she reveals that she drinks water infused with fennel flower (habbatus sauda) because it is apparently “the cure to all illnesses except for death.”

However, other members of Ellie’s family are less adamant on their stance when it comes to the vaccine.

Ellie Suriaty nafi 'ikat' suami - “Kalau betul saya kongkong, Azri Iskandar dah duduk rumah saja tak pergi penggambaran!” - Sensasi | mStar
source: Mstar

Recently, it has been reported that her own husband, who also happens to be an actor, took the jab without her knowing. According to Oh Bulan, he told his wife that he was going to the car mechanic when in actuality, he took himself and his daughter to the clinic to get vaccinated.

The only good thing we can say is that Ellie is not imposing her beliefs on anyone else and that she is still happily married despite her husband’s white lie.

Ellie Suriaty in 44 Hari Bangkitnya Pocong

But her refusal to get vaccinated is definitely scarier than her nasi kangkang scene, we’ll tell you that…

Zul Yahya

Rezeki artis tak berkat? Johan As'ari jawab pandangan Zul Yahya - “Cukup kalau kita kerja kerana Allah, direstui ibu bapa dan tahu ia halal” - Sensasi | mStar
source: Mstar

Has your internet connection gotten better since getting the vaccine? Personally, mine has been getting worse. Maybe my AstraZeneca shot hasn’t kicked into full-swing yet.

According to actor Zul Yahya, the debacle between China and America regarding 5G has subsided because of the distribution of the Covid-19 vaccines.

Era 5G: Pembawa virus tahun 2023”- Zul Yahya dakwa golongan divaksin pembawa virus
source: Berita Perak

In his words, “Have you ever thought of why China and America were busy arguing about the 5G technology before Covid-19 appeared? But now, it’s suddenly quiet. Who was the victor?”

I’ll admit that was very sly but I will not say that it was anything remotely close to smart.

Suhaimi Saad

Ada Ku Kisah!” Lantang Sebarkan Dakyah Anti Vaksin, IG Suhaimi Saad Disekat 30 Hari
source: Beautifulnara

The ultimate anti-vaxxer on this list is definitely Suhaimi Saad since he has made his disdain towards not just the Covid-19 jab, but all jabs in existence, abundantly clear through multiple postings online.

While the other celebrities on this list tend to mind their own business, Suhaimi is endangering the community by going out without a care in the world and frequenting shops and restaurants.

He was met with an onslaught of hate when he revealed that he could apparently go anywhere without showing his vaccination card – only scanning his MySejahtera – and nobody permitted him from entering their premises. He said, “Alhamdulillah, God has made it easy for me.”

Suhaimi Saad Diugut Gara-gara Status Jadi Viral - Hiburan | mStar
source: Mstar

As if that wasn’t bad enough, when his children are sick, he only gives them water and recites the Quran.

He made things worse by calling netizens who received the vaccine “cows” during the protest that involved 779 Johor teachers who refused the vaccine. He said, “I respect all 779 of the Johor teachers. May God help them. These teachers are not stupid like the rest of these netizens who are cows.”

Suhaimi Saad alami masalah mata kronik
source: Sinar Harian

Despite his hard stance against the vaccine, he claims he isn’t an “anti-vaxxer”. He just chooses not to get it and that he would rather die than be injected with the “haram” substance. That’s definitely not considered anti-vax behaviour at all…

In his words, “With something haram in your body and a mask on your face during worship, do you think God will listen to your prayers and help you?”

He also went as far to say that people are worshipping the vaccine by saying, “Are the vaccines your God?”

While he hasn’t exactly clarified why he is so hellbent on refusing the vaccines, with his level of intelligence, we can safely deduct that his reasoning is not worth knowing.


The daily Covid-19 cases are declining, establishments are reopening and the community is slowly steadying itself as it confronts the new normal.

While there are still naysayers when it comes to the vaccine (some more outspoken than others), it’s important to do what you think is right and safe for your physical and mental well-being… and that includes avoiding these celebrities in real life.

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