Merdekarya Shows Solidarity Towards Local Bakery For Exposing Racist Customer

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At the rate we’re going, the pandemic might end before racism ever does.

In Malaysia, we pride ourselves on being multi-cultural yet there are still blatant remnants of racism scattered throughout our day-to-day lives.

From the unsolved deaths within police custody to racial profiling and mass incarceration, the Indian community has never ceased to become the subject of cruel racism.

source: Instagram @thirtyonefinebakes

Recently, a bakery called Thirty One Fine Bakes experienced this form of bigotry firsthand when they received an appalling text message from a potential customer.

Essentially, the customer demanded to know the race of the owners behind the shop before proceeding to tell them that they would not purchase baked goods from Indians.

Thirty One Fine Bakes were quick to shut down the customer by highlighting their zero-tolerance for racist remarks.

Read it in full below:

The post has since gone viral, accumulating over 30,000 likes on Instagram.

Showing solidarity, local music hub Merdekarya reposted the messages on their Twitter but with an added twist.

In their caption, they encourage their followers to buy a cake from the bakery without asking the owner’s race. If you do that and text the invoice to them, you’ll get RM5 off their signature Tuak bottles.

They even added a disclaimer, proudly claiming their multi-racial team consists of Indian, Bidayuh and Malay.

What are you waiting for? Fight against racism and get tipsy off some Tuak and boozy cakes while you’re at it!

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