Hate For ‘Mentega Terbang’ Has Gone Too Far: Death Threats & Acid Left on Director & Actor’s Cars

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Police say 'Mentega Terbang' director, actor gave statements for probe | Malay Mail

The onslaught of hate towards the Mentega Terbang cast and crew has reached an all-time high.

For the uninitiated, the filmmakers of Mentega Terbang, Khairi Anwar (director) and Arjun Thanaraju (actor and writer), have been receiving backlash online for their film that portrays a Muslim girl exploring different faiths and religions while she grapples with her mother’s fatal illness.

The film has been the topic of heated discussion ever since its mainstream release on the streaming site, Viu.

Ibrahim Ali stated that the movie is trying to cause provocation by touching on sensitive issues on religion and satirising the laws of Islam. (source: The Star)

Capturing the attention of conservatives, many organisations – notably JAKIM and Parti Bumiputera Perkasa Malaysia (PUTRA) – have insisted on the removal and ban of the film as well as a police probe on the filmmakers.

The witch hunt against those involved with Mentega Terbang has inspired petitions calling for freedom of speech and solidarity from numerous organisations and figures in the media.

The film was touted as “promoting pluralism and instilling apostasy amongst Muslims” to which the director has denied all allegations.

The criticism of the film has morphed into death threats against the filmmakers and their family, which is especially seen through this recent occurrence.

Malaysian journo, Hadi Azmi, posted 4 photos to his Twitter account, which he received from Khairi, showing the director and actor’s cars doused with red paint and acid alongside 5 white envelopes that contained menacing threats of violence.

Check it out below:

At the time of writing, Khairi has lodged a police report detailing the events, which you can read below.

A public outcry is happening on Twitter where users are disparaging the criminals behind this act by pointing out the hypocrisy of wanting to protect the sanctity of Islam, yet tainting it with such disgusting acts of hooliganism.

The tweets are also calling for authoritative figures to take action in order to protect the safety of those targeted.

Read them below:

Regardless of how you feel about Mentega Terbang, threatening the safety of those involved as well as their family members is crossing the line.

It is a criminal offence to vandalise and threaten violence, yet the people who enacted this crime seem to not care – all because of a movie.

This is clear evidence that Malaysia is only boasting about progress, but it has nothing to show for it.

If we truly are a changed country, serious action needs to be taken before someone gets irrevocably hurt.

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