‘Munchy’ Heist: Man Breaks Into Restaurant, Binge Eats And Drinks For 4 Days

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source: NY Post

With lockdowns taking place in just about every part of the world, businesses such as cafes, restaurants and food spots in general have been closed down while people are forced to either cook their own meals at home or get their food delivered. Needless to say, some just prefer eating outside regardless of what viruses might be roaming about.


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Meet 42-year-old Louis Angel Ortiz from Connecticut, who broke into a closed restaurant and went on a four day buffet of food and booze. According to the New Haven Police Department’s Instagram post, a caller tipped off authorities after discovering Ortiz asleep in said restaurant.

When the police went through the restaurant’s security footage, they determined that Ortiz had indeed broken into the restaurant several days prior where he managed to sneak in through a side window of the restaurant. Police eventually found then detained him in a nearby street with a bottle of rum in his possession (which he swiped from the premises).

source: Giphy

Through the security footage, officers discovered that Ortiz came and went over the course of four days to treat himself to the restaurant’s food, liquor, and beer. Additionally, Ortiz was also seen taking beverages and property from the building. It was a manager’s routine check of the establishment that led to the discovery of the burglary.

Restaurant management estimated a total loss of food and beverages at several thousand dollars, including approximately 70 bottles of stolen or consumed liquor. Following his arrest, Ortiz was charged with third degree burglary, third degree larceny and first degree criminal mischief.

While we don’t condone Ortiz’ actions, it’s pretty baller that he made a closed restaurant his kingdom of food and booze for 4 days. Sadly for him (and fortunately for the restaurant), he’s now behind bars and facing criminal charges. This incident should serve as a reminder for restaurant workers to perform routine checks even with the lockdown in place.

source: Giphy

(*Featured image taken from Onmanorama)

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