Malaysian Medical Association Demands Apology & Calls SPRM’s Anti-Bribery Ad “Offensive & Crass”

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When SPRM’s ad that was meant to combat bribery received major backlash for its hypocrisy and inaccurate portrayals of real life examples of the crime, many believed that the ad also insulted doctors and their integrity.

Today, it seems that doctors have caught wind of the ad and they are not happy.

Immunisation programme: Medical Association 'concerned' about slow pace in registrations |
source: Edge Prop

According to the Malaysian Medical Association (MMA), the video by SPRM was offensive and crass. They added that the video should be removed right away.

“The video is an insult to the sanctity and image of our medical profession.

“The government agency should have used other examples to convey its message. As doctors, we feel deeply offended by the post which should be taken down immediately,” the MMA said in a statement today.

Sinar Harian left) Code Blue right)

Underlining the points made by netizens when the video first surfaced, the MMA slammed SPRM for their portrayal of doctors, stating that they have forgotten the sacrifices made by medical practitioners during the battle against Covid-19.

Doctors have also been proactive in providing assistance and relief to victims of the flood.

 / Twitter
Dr Koh Kar Chai (@drcaseysurf) on Twitter

President of MMA, Dr Koh Kar Chai, said, “Recently, many of our doctors were up to their waist in floodwater, sending aid to flood victims even while their clinics were destroyed by the floods.”

As a closing statement, they demand that SPRM issue a public apology for the video, adding that they should “clean up its own backyard.”

This is most likely referring to their own senior officer misappropriating RM25 million cash evidence.

source: The Sun Daily

Doctors do not get the respect they deserve and the ad definitely doesn’t help in combating that or the anti-corruption beliefs that it supposedly upholds.

At the time of writing, the ad has since been deleted off SPRM’s Twitter page and they have issued a statement.

Here it is:

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