It’s Time to Say Goodbye to Minut Init With Their Last Event

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The place we underground kids have grown to love will open its doors for the very last time. So get ready to say goodbye to Minut Init, who will be collaborating with Alam Bunyian to present a small music festival for a final celebration. Now before y’all freak out, this will not be the end. Instead, this event will be the witness of Minut Init’s rebranding into something bigger, in efforts to bring Malaysia’s art industry to greater heights.

Minut Init has always been a safe space for many artists to experiment and promote their art. From music to paintings, anything different can be found at the welcoming doors of Minut Init. The place itself is weirdly comforting, despite its stark red and blue light hues. Frequent visitors might also remember its bar that came with limited options, comfy chairs, that green fish tank that works as a table for DJ’s, the super chilled smoke area, doodles and graffiti, busted up toilets (we can go on and on) and of course, the iconic white rabbit.

With the amount of gigs held here, many creatives have had the opportunity of meeting like-minded folks as well as musicians that are unapologetically good. The best thing is, you’ll never know what kind of genre you’ll be hearing once you step into Minut Init. In fact, last month a group of noise musicians popped up and did a show; it was mind boggling to see a crowd just vibing to weird transformer-like sounds. But hey, anything is acceptable here, and that’s the beauty of it all.

Other than music, the top floor of Minut Init is another gem that’s constantly serving us juicy art exhibition. A reoccurring theme that the gallery constantly explores can get a bit controversial, but isn’t that the point of art? Nevertheless, Minut Init has served up their purpose as a safe space for the youth, and we’re excited for the big change.

What better way to show our appreciation for the art venue’s contribution by attending Minut Init’s last event? The amazing lineup includes bands like Ramayan, Iqbal M, Pastel Lite, and so much more. Check out the poster below for all the deets you need to know prior to the event:

Lastly, don’t forget to take lots of pictures before the whole place gets a facelift.

For more information, click here

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