Ismail Sabri Says He’s Not Trying To Promote The Stuff On The Shelves Behind Him

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(source: Dedah)

According to Berita Harian, Defence Minister Ismail Sabri responded back to Segambut MP Hannah Yeoh that he had no intention to promote his collection on the cabinet shelves, which has been the background of his daily press conferences held at Wisma Pertahanan.

“This is the MINDEF (Ministry of Defence) cabinet that already exists and will not be removed. I do not know what to put in the back. So, I just left it and did not promote it,” he said

While he did make it clear that it is MINDEF’s cabinet, it is unsure if the ornaments which can be seen changing every day belonged to the minister.

Ismail Sabri BTS view of his daily conferences (source: The Star)

The defence from Ismail came after Hannah Yeoh called him out on Twitter by stating that his daily conferences are not for him to promote the items on the shelves. She also noted that he has caused much confusion among the public due to insufficient SOPs during the ongoing CMCO.

Take a look:

(source: Twitter)

“I urge Datuk Seri Ismail Sabri to stop his daily conferences, if it doesn’t provide any substantive announcements that can help the people. A media conference is not the place to promote his clothes or display rack. With every announcement, the rakyat are becoming more confused,” Hannah wrote. At the time of writing, it has gotten over 2,000 retweets.

While netizens on Facebook found the cabinet amusing and jokingly bid on the items, Twitter-users on the other hand, felt the opposite. Check out some of these tweets:

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