Ismail Sabri Is Okay With Being Called A “Bad Boy” As Long As He Is Saving M’sians From Covid-19

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The person at the centre of attention during every important national announcement is undoubtedly Ismail Sabri, Malaysia’s Minister of Defence.

Due to the constant updates and announcements, Ismail Sabri has become a familiar face to Malaysians as we await the new developments in regards to SOPs and the ever-extending MCO.

According to the minister, being the bearer of bad news has caused the community to paint him as a “bad boy.”

He noticed this shift in public perception when he first announced the MCO on March 18 2020, causing many establishments to close and people to lose their jobs. According to the minister during a media conference,

“The government had no choice but to initiate the MCO on March 18 2020 because the lives of the nation are more important than everything else. All that we do is for the benefit of us all. As you can see, we are seeing success. But, it’s clear that I have been painted as a ‘bad boy’ because I had to close borders.

“I had to introduce stricter SOPs, but it’s a matter of life or death. For the government, the lives of Malaysians are of the utmost importance and it must be protected.”

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From then on, Ismail explained that regulations began to loosen to allow the economy to prosper once again. With the implementation of CMCO, establishments were given the chance to open and resume business.

Despite that, everyone is still expected to adhere to current SOPs and limit their movements.

Well, at least he didn’t call himself a softboy.

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