Highway Users Told to Not Perform Prayers on Emergency Lanes

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(Source : The Malay Mail)

According to The Malay Mail, the concessionaire for the Kuala Lumpur-Karak Expressway (KLK) and East Coast Expressway 1 (LPT1) Anih Berhad urged individuals to think twice about performing prayers on the emergency lanes to avoid traffic accidents as other vehicles would not be aware of the presence of these individuals.

“We truly appreciate the patience of KLK Highway users and also the obedience of the Muslims to perform their prayers while travelling to the East Coast, during every festive season and public holidays.

“However, we as the KLK Highway operators, also seek patience and reasonableness from road users so as not to perform their prayers on the roads; that is on the emergency lane, for safety factors,” it said in a statement.

The statement was issued due to a viral photo of highway users who were returning to their hometowns during the recent Hari Raya Aidiladha celebration and had stopped at the side of the emergency lane of the KLK and East Coast Expressway to perform the early morning Subuh prayers.

As reported in The Sun Daily, to avoid the risk of traffic accidents, Anih Berhad had hoped that highway users will plan their journey including stopovers at the Rest & Service areas (R&R) along the LPT1 and KLK on their trip back to the Klang Valley.

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