Malaysians Will Be Handing Out Chocolates To Hardworking Cops This 26 May, Jom?

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As you might have heard, recently, our former Prime Minister Najib Razak was mad that in the midst of his houses being raided, some cops got their hands on chocolates and food stored in his fridge. The raid lasted a few days, but despite it being Ramadhan, the popo kept at it and worked hard through it all (they even tried to drill open a safe). Ugh, we’re not saying stealing is good thing – BUT CHOCOLATES MAN! Who could resist? Plus, what if it’s around buka puasa time? Kesian, man.

Najib has allegedly accused the choco-eating cops of their sticky crime and wants them to be bought to justice. Netizens were cackling over this amusing incident, and being the caring Malaysians we are, a group of people decided to arranged a public event called Jom Bagi Coklat Kat Abang & Akak Polis.

It is set to be held this Saturday, 26 May at Sentul’s district police head-quarters, but the organisers are encouraging the public to visit their neighbourhood police stations and pass them chocolates as well.

The reason behind this heart warming event is to appreciate all the hardworking cops who’ve done their best to keep our beloved country safe as we transition into a new Malaysia.

Organisers are asking attendees to take tonnes of photos and videos while giving out these chocolates in hope that we could have a more loving relationship with the cops (instead of just being scared by them). So far, 1200 people are interested in making this event come true.

Check out the hashtag #choco4cops if you want to participate at you local police head-quarters or simply click here for the event page.

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