Following the Punishment of a Haircut, M’sian Mother Took to Facebook to Express Anger

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(Source: SAYS)

Do you remember being subjected to random spot checks in school and burying your phone in the bathroom?

The tradition continues to this day, given the fact that schools are now open and kids no longer have to attend classes virtually.

One parent, on the other hand, is dissatisfied with the standard disciplinary obligation that was imposed on her kid.

(Source: Bangkok Jack)

The mother recently posted on Facebook and shared her displeasure after a teacher cut her son’s hair.

Although the cause for the punishment was not stated, it is possible that it was the result of a random hair spot-check.

The boy’s before and after images were shared in the since-deleted post to demonstrate how severe the punishment was.

“He used to be a happy kid and now he’s not saying a word,” expressed the mother.

According to her, the son is allegedly an obedient child and is also a school prefect that has done nothing but follow the school rules.

“He helped me a lot at home and he’s someone disciplined at school, always abide by the rules. He is also a loving brother,” she added.

The punishment was apparently so bad that the boy is not leaving his room to eat.

She went on to add that the schoolteacher had done so much damage to her kid’s hair that the only option was for him to become bald.

Due to shame, the youngster spent hours hiding in the school’s cubicle before eventually going home with his now damaged hair.

He was said to be the only student who got his hair cut short on that particular day.

When he returned home, he did not reply to his mother’s comments, instead immediately covering his face and crying.

“I always tell my kids about respect. But I can’t believe the teacher disrespected him.”

Like any other good parent these days, the mother followed up by texting the disciplinary teacher and pleading with him to restore his dignity as a school prefect.

What do you think? Is it really the schoolteacher’s fault for implementing the school rules?

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