Father Walks from KL to Kelantan Just to See His Daughter! Here’s His Story…

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source: Keluarga

According to Malay Mail, Facebook user Matnoe Poksu Din pulled a Forest Gump just so he could see his daughter again. He said, “I did this all for my daughter, Puteri Sarah Anisa.”

29-year old Matnoe (aka Muhamad Noor Ramlee) worked as a cook at the Universiti Teknologi Mara (UITM) campus in Shah Alam, Selangor, and had been staying in a rented home provided by his employer before being allegedly thrown out.

His actions were catalysed by a call he received from his family where his daughter told him how much she misses him and wishes for his return. Dejected, Matnoe replied that there weren’t any buses available due to the MCO implementation.

With that, his daughter, Puteri, said, “So I won’t get you to see you forever? Why don’t you just… walk home?” Her precious suggestion ignited his determination to begin his journey despite the gruelling hours and distance he would have to overcome.

With only RM150 in his pocket, he began walking the distance.

He shared a screenshot of his route on Facebook which showed a distance of 428km. My knees are wobbling just thinking about it…

Keeping his spirits up, he even cheekily invited his friends on Facebook to join him in his walk if they were heading in the same direction. His journey became interactive as he continued to post updates and pictures of his walk, his friends cheering him on and praising his determination along the way.

Naturally, Matnoe took breaks due to the ruthless weather in Malaysia, notably the storm in Perak. He began to tire but his willpower usurped his fatigue and he continued his journey. Eventually, his shoes showed more wear and tear than he did.

Matnoe usually stopped at bus stations to recuperate and charge his phone. Sleeping in these kinds of conditions caused his health and stamina to deteriorate, leading to serious exhaustion. To top that off, not having a proper meal since he began his journey was taking a toll on him, both physically and mentally.

He mentioned what kept him going was his daughter and the support he got in the form of kind messages. Some friends even offered to send money to his bank account but he refused.

Ultimately, a lorry driver commented on Matnoe’s post, saying he was on the way to Kelantan as well and would love to help him with his journey. Soon after, Matnoe posted a ‘thank you’ to this driver.

Later on, he reassured everyone of his safety by posting his return home.

Once home, Matnoe reveals he will get tested for Covid-19 due to his long-distance travel and jokingly adds, “Don’t worry! I won’t walk to the hospital.”

In the end, he thanked everyone who gave him moral support during his journey. I’m sure his family, especially his daughter, is happy and proud to have such a resilient soul in their lives.

The sheer willpower he portrayed will definitely be one for the books. Speaking of which, do you think he’ll auction the worn-out shoes he wore during the journey… Michael Jordan-style?

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