Elephant Casually Strolls Through School In Sabah In a Search for Food
When it comes to the behaviours between us humans and animals, we’re really aren’t that far apart. Take this elephant for example, casually strolling through a random school early in the morning in search of food. By the looks of it, this elephant is mirroring exactly what we’d do in the morning, casually strolling into McDonald’s at 3am in search of food. Sounds relatable? VERY.
There was no harm done on anyone around when Dumbo walked through SMK Telupid, Sabah, and into the canteen as it was looking for something to snack on. Apparently, this isn’t something new either to the folks who live around the area of Telupid. Beluran police chief Supt V. Shivananthan told The Star that there have been cases of elephants trespassing the area, and recently, 10 elephants have entered the compound of the Beluran police station after the herd got through the fence.
Wildlife Rescue Unit veterinarian, Dr Diana Ramirez said that the team are still in the process of relocating the elephants back into the forests to avoid contact with humans and residential areas as they have a history of destroying plantations and properties.
Following the incident, we can only hope that the elephant didn’t cause too much mess around the school, and that the Wildlife Unit has helped it find its way home safely. But one thing’s for sure, this was one of those cases where it’s hard to ignore the elephant in the room.
While you’re at it, visit here to do your part in the National Elephant Conservation Centre, the only one of its kind in Malaysia.
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