Delivery Rider Gets 9 Stitches On His Head After Being Attacked By Man With Hammer

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Mangsa cedera dipukul suspek (kiri) dan suspek sudah ditahan polis (kanan). FOTO ihsan polis
source: Harian Metro

During the pandemic, most of us are stuck at home, relying on p-hailing services and delivery men for our food and miscellaneous wants.

These riders have clearly sacrificed during this time and it’s evident that Malaysians appreciate them by leaving out refreshments at the door and penning songs in tribute.

Despite that, customer disputes still happen and some arguments are much worse than others…

According to district police chief in Timur Laut, Assistant Commissioner Soffian Santong, a 31-year-old man has been arrested for allegedly beating a food delivery rider near his apartment in Bayan Lepas on Tuesday (20 April).

The rider was beat-up so badly that he had to get nine stitches on his head due to blunt force from a hammer.

The incident took place at 4:10pm when the 40-year-old rider delivered food to a woman.

The rider claimed that he had called the woman multiple times to inform her that he had arrived at the location but she did not pick up those calls.

According to him, the customer arrived 10 minutes late. After handing over the food, the rider left the area.

20 minutes later, the rider was contacted by the woman’s husband, stating that he wanted to return the food. The rider went back to the apartment and that was when the altercation occurred between the two men.

According to NST, the rider allegedly cussed at the assailant’s wife, prompting him to beat him with the hammer.

At 11:15pm, the suspect was apprehended along with the assault weapon. He is currently under investigation and could potentially be charged under Section 324 for voluntarily causing hurt by dangerous weapons.

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