Culprit Responsible For Spreading Fake News About Phantom Voters To Be Arrested

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Since GE14 is approaching soon, there seems to be an abundance of news about politics making its round across social media. Recently, a video of a group of Bangladeshis wearing blue caps in a queue went viral, and some people claim that these were phantom voters who were brought in to influence the results of GE14.

According to NST, the group of Bangladeshis in the video were seen to be in a queue, with everyone sporting a blue cap with a white logo on it which then brought people to speculate that these are brought in by political parties to vote for them.

(source: World of Buzz)
(source: World of Buzz)

Despite that, NST reported that this is false news and that the Malaysian Communications and Multimedia Commission (MCMC) will take action.

MCMC chief operating officer Datuk Dr Mazlan Ismail said they were already working to apprehend the suspect that spread the false news about phantom voters being brought in.

(source: NST)

“We had the same allegation of 40,000 Bangladeshis allegedly being brought in to vote in the 13th General Election (GE13) floating around social media in 2013,” he said. Datuk Dr Mazlan also said the false news that was spread back in 2013 had a big negative impact on society and now we’re seeing the same thing happening again.

Turns out the said Bangladeshis were factory workers and it’s just a coincidence that they’re wearing blue caps. “We have been getting reports of the false news about Bangladesh nationals wearing blu caps seen entering the country… these were actually workers who happened to wear blue caps with white logo of the factory where they worked,” he added.

Datuk Dr Mazlan said they have identified the suspect who was responsible for the video and officers will arrest the person.

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