Couple Admit to Threesome with Dutch Teen Model Hours Before Her Death

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(source: BBC)

As reported by The Star, the American businessman and his Kazakh wife have admitted to having a threesome with Dutch model Ivana Robert Smit just hours before she was found dead on December 7 last year.

Smit had fall from the balcony of the 20th floor of an apartment at Jalan Dang Wangi. Her body was found naked hours the incident which authorities believe took place around 10am. Although no foul play was suspected during the initial investigation, certain family members of the deceased, namely her father Marcel Smit believes that her death was no accident. He said: “It’s very strange that this American couple [that hosted the model the night before] did nothing while Ivana’s things were lying in their apartment.”

Now the foreign couple in question, Alex Johnson, 44, and wife Luna, 31, who were last seen with the deceased have admitted they had sex with Smit three weeks earlier and on the day she was found dead.

The Johnsons’ admitted during an interview with British tabloid Daily Mail that the three of them had been drinking heavily and that Ivana had been taking drugs.

They were introduced by a mutual acquaintance at a nightclub in Kuala Lumpur October last year, where the couple and model met.

“She asked me to stand up and dance with her. We weren’t kissing, but we were doing sexy moves,” said Luna. “She was beautiful, charming, confident. I was already melting,” she added.

(source: Malay Mail Online)

The three had even set up a WhatsApp group among themselves that contained explicit flirting. The threesome ensued in a 5-star hotel in November.

About a month later, on the day Smit was found dead, the three of them had been out partying before returning to the Jalan Dang Wangi apartment in the early morning.

The couple’s daughter got up and Luna said she and Smit even had breakfast with her.

“Ivana was hammered. I kept talking to her as I got my daughter ready for school. Ivana lay down while I took her there,” said Luna. It apparently took Luna about 30 minutes to send her daughter to school and come back.

When she returned, Luna said her husband and Smit were on their bed, although Johnson was asleep. According to Luna, she and Smit got intimate for awhile, then Luna went back to her bedroom where she laid down with her husband.

Luna came out of her room at about 10am and caught Smit wandering around, talking to herself and giggling. But since she was tired from the night before, she went back to sleep.

“I was so tired after all this partying. At 10:15am I went back to the bedroom. When my head hit the pillow, I passed out,” said Luna.

Luna said she then woke up at 1:25pm to find Ivana’s clothes, shoes, bag and phones in the lounge/kitchen and thought the model had went out for a photoshoot.

The Johnsons were awakened by the police at 5pm. The couple has maintained their innocence throughout the investigation, saying there were footprints on the balcony and on to the top of the air-conditioning units.


Since the murder case was publicised, Johnson said he received a myriad of death threats and claimed that there was even an attempt to kidnap his five-year-old daughter.

“A man phoned our nanny, Maha, saying he was Luna’s father and would be picking her [Johnson and Luna’s daughter] up from school. Luna’s father died before she was born,” he said.

“We never intended to make the details of our marriage public. Now we fear our own lives are in danger, and we have no choice,” added Johnson.

On Sunday, Smit’s family lawyer told Dutch newspaper De Telegraaf that the teen had sex in the hours prior to the discovery of her body.

According to an online portal, he said this was based on “new information” that was backed up by findings from the second post-mortem conducted in the Netherlands.


Lawyer Sébas Diekstra added that pathologist Dr. Frank van de goot, who carried out the second autopsy had previously detailed finding “male DNA” in Smit’s body and held the opinion that it likely occurred in the last hours before she died.

“In the Netherlands, you can be prosecuted if you commit sexual acts on someone who is unconscious or under reduced consciousness,” Diekstra told the daily.

De Telegraaf also reported Fred Agenjo, who is the Smit family spokesman believed his niece was not in control of herself nor her actions in the hours before her death.

“If anyone still had sex with an 18-year old girl who was in that condition, that’s not good. They should stay away from someone under such circumstances,” he was quoted as saying.

Interpol were called in by the Dutch embassy in KL soon after the case broke the news, and local authorities have since reopened the case for reexamination.

You can read the initial report, here.

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