“Congrats Ain” Trends on Twitter In Celebration of Ain Husniza’s Excellent SPM Results

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source: Twitter

You may remember Ain Husniza from a disturbing series of events that took place in April last year.

The student asserted that a male teacher at her Selangor school downplayed rape during a physical and health education class.

She clarified in a TikTok video that unseemly comments were made while students were talking about sexual harassment during the lecture.

Check it out, in case you missed it:

“We were talking about how there are laws that protect minors from sexual misconduct, and then he said, ‘If you want to rape somebody, rape those over 18,'” she claimed in the clip.

According to the teacher, if boys were raped, they would not disclose it because “it feels good for them.”

The video went viral quickly on Malaysian social media, sparking a thread of disorderly consequences including a lawsuit.

source: Coconut KL

Other forms of backlash faced by Ain were rape and expulsion threats, bullying, angry anonymous messages claiming she was lying or overreacting and some even went so far to say that they hoped she would flunk her SPM.

source: Twitter

Ain clapped back with an enthusiastic tweet yesterday, depicting her achievement of scoring 7As and 1B for the exam, proving that education remained her top priority in the midst of all the social challenges and legal mishaps.

What is usually a harrowing and nerve-wracking day for some turned out to be Ain’s shot at subtle and seamless “sweet revenge”.

While she admitted that she was depressed after receiving all of the hateful remarks, she said that it also motivated her to prove her doubters wrong.

“I am not intelligent and have never achieved such results. I do believe that all of this is a blessing from all of the supportive teachers and friends I encountered along the way,” she humbly added.

Ain went on to say that regardless of their grades, all students have the right to feel safe in their schools, and closed her statement with the hashtag #MakeSchoolASaferPlace, which has trended on and off since she outed the teacher.

It was only a matter of time before netizens gathered with unanimous pride, congratulating her on the well-deserved milestone.

As a result, the phrase “Congrats Ain” began trending on Twitter, as local timelines were filled with well-wishes, commending Ain for her bravery and perseverance throughout her hefty pursuit to raise awareness towards toxic school environments.

Congrats Ain, you deserve it <3

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