“Saya Calon Daripada Allah”: PN Minister Claims He Was Chosen by God To Contest in GE15

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Saya calon daripada Allah' - Khlir
source: Malaysiakini

The 15th General Elections have been announced to commence on 19 November and with every election season, there will be people coming out of the woodworks with some incredulous statements.

The most recent statement comes from PN candidate Khlir Mohd Nor who proclaimed that he is not a second choice candidate but he is actually a candidate chosen by God.

According to him, “I was chosen by Allah SWT, and it is my fate to become a candidate,” he said in a press conference in Kota Bharu, as reported by Malaysiakini.

“Don’t call me a second choice candidate, I am a candidate chosen by Allah SWT,” he continued.

Saya ada strategi bantu veteran tentera di Ketereh – Khlir Mohd Nor – Air Times News Network
source: Air Times News Network

Khlir added that at the moment, he has no manifesto for voters in the Ketereh parliament.

Instead, he is awaiting feedback from voters from different age groups in order to fully realise their goals.

Despite that, he has made the promise to protect army veterans when he becomes the people’s representative since he has been an army veteran himself for 40 years.

“InsyaAllah (With the will of God) I will help them. I will ensure that the Ketereh parliament becomes a good and comfortable place for all of its inhabitants,” he said at a press conference at the PAS Kelantan Media Centre, as reported by Air Times.

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