This Young Boy Begged His Parents to Keep His Fur-Shedding Cat After They Threatened To Give It Away

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source: PURINA

If you’re a pet owner, you know just how much joy and comfort a fuzzy companion can bring into your life. But what happens when something or someone threatens to take them away?

In an emotional viral video spreading across Douyin (China’s version of TikTok), a young boy can be seen pleading with his cat to stop shedding its fur in fear of his parents sending it away, tugging at the heartstrings of millions.

source: SCMP

The video which has been viewed almost eight million times on Douyin alone, shows the boy hugging and patting his beloved silver and white British shorthair named Xiaotugan as he pleads with it to stop shedding.

“Please don’t shed hair again. I beg you! I love you! But I am begging you not to moult anymore. Okay?” said the boy in the video with tears streaming down his face.

Many netizens expressed their sympathy for the boy while some even criticised his parents’ harshness.

source: The Star

In response to the backlash, the boy’s father posted a video onto Douyin saying that he would try his best to persuade the rest of the family to keep the cat.

“It is his friend. He fears the cat will be sent away. I feel so sorry for the boy!” said one person on Weibo. Another commenter said “Please don’t break the boy’s heart. It is his childhood companion.”

source: SCMP

Other netizens called for responsible pet ownership, with one person commenting that, “The parents should either not agree to raise a pet at all or be responsible for the pet until the end. That’s how they set a good example for their kid.”

Another commenter added, “Those who truly love a cat will not abandon it because of its shedding hair. Just clean it and it’s not a big deal.”

I don’t know about you but to me, this serves as a reminder of the deep emotional connection that people can have with their pets. Let’s all hope the cat stays with the family. We’re rooting for ya kid! ❤️

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