Animal Abuse Turned Political Fiasco: The Exposé of A Scammer Who Claimed To Be Politician’s Stepson

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Don't F**K with Cats: Hunting An Internet Killer - Rotten Tomatoes

Have you seen the Netflix documentary, Don’t F*ck With Cats, which detailed how internet sleuths managed to expose and convict a criminal, who not only abused cats but went on to commit homicide?

A thrilling documentary with twists and turns that audiences could not anticipate, it was deemed one of the best documentaries to come out in recent times.

Well, recently, a Twitter user had penned a sprawling thread that might contend the documentary because not only does it involve severe abuse of animals, it also involves a political twist that none of us saw coming.

It all started with a tweet that called attention to pet shelters and adoption centres for animals. The original poster (OP) attached horrific videos of a house left in complete disarray, infested with fleas and completely unsafe to house animals.

The OP stated that several cats had died in this house, and there were maggots, trash, rotting food, cat faeces and urine littering the living area.

The conditions were so abysmal, that even after the cats had passed – from starvation and neglect that led to fleas infesting their bodies – the cat carcasses were left there to rot.

The OP posted photos of her friends who entered the home in an attempt to save the remaining cats, and they were all covered in abrasions due to the disgusting conditions and numerous pest bites.

According to the OP, 7 cats died in this year alone.

After witnessing the horrific circumstances, the OP reached out to the perpetrators to hold them accountable for their actions but instead, the following incidents were something none of us could have predicted.

Using scare tactics, the female perpetrator, who was once a friend to the OP, threatened to use the OP’s previous history and traumas to deter her from taking legal action against her and her partner.

Not only that, they mentioned the political figure, Zahid Hamidi, and said that he was the partner’s stepfather and used this information to scare the OP – stating that he had the power to make the OP’s life a living hell.

These are the screenshots that involve the politician’s name and a photo of his Identification Card:

At the time, the OP suspected that this was a lie, but she had no way to prove it, so she was justifiably scared of the threats against her. But, what goes around always comes around, and the lie was soon proven when other Twitter users started sharing their horror stories with the couple.

The founder for Ruff Love Malaysia shared a thread of her own regarding her experience with the couple when they approached her organisation to adopt a blind puppy.

In their conversation, the perpetrators claimed to be a married couple, who appeared loving and willing to care for a puppy with special needs.

Ecstatic that the puppy was adopted into a caring family, the organisation posted a photo of the partner holding the innocent animal on their Instagram page, sharing the good news. But, what they didn’t know was that they would later dump the puppy at a “friend’s house”, leading the friend’s family to contact them, so they could return it.

In actuality, the couple gave the organisation a bogus address, which led them to hunt down the couple for an explanation through calls and Whatsapp messages. For months, their attempts to reach out to the couple were futile.

When they finally got a hold of the female perpetrator, she claimed that she no longer had contact with her “husband” because they were in the process of getting a divorce. This was just another thread to their web of lies because after a bit of investigating, the founder of Ruff Love Malaysia found out that they were never married.

Read the screenshots of their conversation below:


In fact, the female was underaged and her partner was much older. According to an anonymous tip, the couple had allegedly met when he was 22 and she was only 14.

The couple, now clearly exposed as liars, continued to lie their way out of the mess they had created by involving Zahid Hamidi. As mentioned before, both of them claimed that the boyfriend was the politician’s stepson, and this was debunked by none other than Zahid Hamidi’s daughter, Nurul Zahid, herself.

If the video isn’t playing for you, click here.

From the video, he had initially threatened to take legal action on the OP, but he obviously had no backing for this and it was another attempt to clear their names.

Nurul Zahid came to the OP’s defence and immediately retaliated with her own threat to take them to court. He finally succumbed to this and agreed to comply.

Upon initial read, it may seem that this was the first incident of animal abuse by the couple but in reality, it spans far longer than this.

During my conversation with the OP, she shared the experience of the friend, who had to care for the blind puppy they abandoned. What she revealed was truly horrifying…

Below are the screenshots provided to me by the OP – depicting the conversation between the female perpetrator and her friend:

The couple expressed their want to adopt the puppy, Lola, to their friend. To protect her identity, this person will be referred to as Rachel.

She messaged Rachel, asking if Rachel could help take care of the puppy alongside her and her boyfriend. The reason for this being that the female perpetrator’s mother did not like dogs and did not allow her to house them. Knowing this, it is incredibly baffling how she could continue to adopt the puppy, but I digress…

The deal was that Rachel would help them for 2 years, and Lola would alternate between their houses – Rachel would get Lola on the weekdays and the couple would get her on weekends.

Rachel would be compensated for this with RM300 a month. However, Rachel never saw a dime out of this agreement.

At first, the couple agreed to pay for food, diapers and other needs, but they never once provided any of this to Rachel, and she would have to care for Lola out of her own pocket.

Not only that, the female perpetrator would go against their agreement by asking her boyfriend to pick Lola up from Rachel’s at odd hours of the night, even when Lola was supposed to be under Rachel’s care.

When Rachel refused to give her the dog, under the justifiable suspicion that Lola will be neglected under her care, she started berating her friend – even lying about being pregnant and self-harming.

It was also revealed that she had a long history of neglecting pets when her boyfriend told Rachel of the 3 dead hamsters that were left to rot in their house.

After a while, with Lola fully under her care, Rachel became fed-up with the situation and begged the boyfriend to take the puppy off her hands, as the couple had completely disregarded their initial agreement.

True to the couple’s heinous nature, they ignored her pleas and proceeded to ghost her – cutting off all contact.

As of right now, the couple has left behind a trail of lies that has hurt multiple parties on top of their heinous treatment towards animals.

We sincerely hope that justice will be served and that these two despicable and deceitful humans are brought to court for their actions, so they can never hurt another animal again.

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