#KutipSampahChallenge Goes Viral on Twitter & Malaysians Are Loving It

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Instead of opening your Tik Tok app to post yet another obnoxious ‘Woah Challenge’ video, how about you open your front door, step outside and participate in the #KutipSampahChallenge?

Popularised by Twitter user @AmirRozali whom you might know from his numerous song covers and sendu tweets, the #KutipSampahChallenge was prompted when Amir responded to a tweet of a youngster at Pavilion who decided to take it upon himself and collect trash that was haphazardly strewn around the mall by ignorant Malaysians.

The idea was so simple in its concept that it immediately began to garner traction from Twitter users and soon became a full-blown trend.

It seems like Amir will be joining the unofficial League of Environmentally Conscious Influencers on Twitter (if this isn’t already a thing, I’m coining it) that includes the likes of Maya Karin, famous actress and Malaysian sweetheart who urged her fans to clean rivers and lakes, and Twitter user @sunfloweraidil, who pushes Malaysians to see the detriments of their actions toward the environment through educational tweets.

So far, the response to Amir’s tweet that has since gone viral is insurmountably positive. His call-to-action triggered many other #KutipSampahChallenge tweets of users collecting trash and cleaning their neighbourhood. Here are a few glimmering examples.


As mentioned briefly by Twitter user @NerdKid_94, the heaps of garbage have begun to fester and breed mosquito larvae which will inevitably hatch and deteriorate the already critical issue of dengue in Malaysia. @NerdKid_94 adds to his initial tweet by posting a picture of the statistics that delineates a significant rise in dengue cases.

source: Twitter/@NerdKid_94

To make matters worse, our neighbouring country, Philippines, is currently suffering from a dengue outbreak that has cost 622 people their lives. According to a recent article by The Star,

“Faced with a ‘staggering’ rate of infection placed at 5,100 cases per week, the Department of Health has declared a national dengue epidemic that has claimed at least 622 lives since January.”

This #KutipSampahChallenge couldn’t have come at a better time because now, Malaysians are becoming increasingly aware of the repercussions of remaining ignorant to the dire state of our country. If more individuals and organisations participate in this challenge, we can surely prevent a dengue epidemic on our soil.

Thanks to Amir, our community is prioritising the cleanliness of our homes instead of fruitlessly (and endlessly) arguing on Twitter about how women’s attire is causing sexual harassment and rape. After all, cleanliness is close to Godliness to the dismay of the PKR senator who prefers to spout redundant and harmful piousness over the betterment of our society.

source: Malaysiakini

Speaking of which, since we’re in the business of collecting trash, can we collect PKR’s jester, Mohd Imran Abd Hamid too after his brilliant ‘women seduce men into committing rape’ sentiment?

Main image: Twitter users @AmirRozali and @gantiheadsetku

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