6 out of 10 Malaysians Received Salary Increment in 2018

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(Source: Health eCareers)

According to a survey done by JobStreet.com and jobsDB on the 2018 Job Outlook and Salary Survey, employees in Southeast Asia received an overall increase in salary by an 8% average in 2018.

4,463 employees and 599 employers from Vietnam, Singapore, Malaysia, Indonesia, Philippines and Thailand participated in this survey about their yearly salary increment trends.

Here are some highlights of the results from the regional survey:


(Source: JobStreet.com)

As mentioned, the overall annual salary increment rate across Southeast Asia in 2018 is 8%.

Among all the Southeast Asia countries surveyed, Vietnam has the highest increment rate at 14% which also shows that the salaries are increasing ahead of the national inflation rate of 4% [source:
Statista (March 2018)].

Where else in Philippines, more than half of the employees who were surveyed did not receive any salary increment at all.

The position level that you hold in a job also determines your increment as it showed that employees with a higher position tend to get a higher salary increment rate.

(Source: JobStreet.com)

Across the region, employees who were promoted received an average salary increment of 14%, those that did not get promoted only received an increment of 5%.


It was found that 6 out 10 Malaysian employees were given salary increments which makes up 58% of the locals surveyed. Malaysia came in ahead of Singapore, Indonesia and Philippines in terms of percentage of workers that received increments.


Like Vietnam, the average Malaysian salary increase of 8% shows that salaries are rising ahead of the national inflation rate of 2.9%. If our national debt could be decreased with initiatives by the new government and Tabung Harapan, it could mean a much brighter future and higher salaries for us all.


As expected, employees in Malaysia who were promoted got a salary increment of 17%, those who did not get a job promotion only managed to get 5% increment. What is surprising though is that junior level and fresh graduates got a slightly higher salary increment (9%) compared to their bosses (8%) in Malaysia.


Lastly, something the high school leavers should pay attention to if they want to live and work in Malaysia; the top 3 job specialisations with the highest rate of salary increments are:

#1 Customer Service (14%)

#2 IT/Computer- Software (12%)

#3 Marketing/ Business Development (10%)


So for those of you deciding which major to choose in college, you know what to do… go into politics! LOL… we kid! For the full survey, click here.

Also, checkout the highest paying jobs according to Jobstreet here

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