Zara is Selling Our Grandpa’s Sarong for RM400

Just when you think the world of fashion couldn’t get any pettier, another well-known fashion brand tries to sell off another’s culture and make it their own at a hefty price tag; but this time, they are stealing from us.
Zara is trying to sell your grandad’s kain pelikat for RM400 on their UK site, and we aren’t having it. Mostly worn by men, this fabric is used as part of any traditional or modern day-to-day wear. Whether it’s for bathing, for praying, for hunting, for lounging; this pants are the Malaysian version of your modern day sweatpants, but much more windier.

Women have also rocked the sarong for a long time, but we just hate how these big designer brands would even try to steal the style and think it’s theirs by renaming it to ‘check mini skirt’. First of all, that doesn’t even look like a mini skirt; this looks like a mini skirt.

And second, in terms of where the sarong aka kain pelikat actually originated from, they shouldn’t feel like they have the right to claim it as their own without crediting or acknowledging the origin of the style.

Third, the fabric and style shouldn’t cost you up to a hefty RM400! Even if the currency over there is higher than Malaysia, and people over there could actually afford it, it would be daylight robbery!
So Zara, we don’t know about you, but it would be a shame if a known brand like yours were to ever be associated with stealing another’s culture. But then again, what can you expect from the world’s second most polluted industry?