Woman Gives Birth in Car After Being Stuck in Traffic Jam Caused by MCO Roadblocks

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For illustration purposes only (source: The Star)

According to The Star, Noziee Abdul Asa delivered a baby boy in her car after getting caught in traffic on the way to Tawau Hospital, last Saturday.

She was on the way to the hospital with her father, Abdul Asa Mohd Salleh and eldest daughter Aisha Maizela, but because there were two MCO roadblocks, they ended up being stuck in traffic for over two hours.

“On the way to the hospital, I tried an alternative route using Jalan Tiku to avoid a traffic jam, but was caught in another congestion at a roadblock in Jalan Kuhara,” Abdul Asa said.

Fortunately for them, an ambulance passed by and Aisha informed them of her mother’s condition. They were immediately instructed to follow the ambulance.

For illustration purposes only. (source: Cilisos)

While they thought they could still make it to the hospital, Noziee couldn’t hold the baby in anymore and gave birth in the car just as they neared the hospital entrance. There were no complications and she has delivered the 3.4kg baby.

Fuh! What a strong mum… Good thing she was not alone unlike most expecting mothers this MCO.

For more news, click here.

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