Win 50 Passes to Volume 2nd Anniversary Party feat. DJ Bravo @ Mist

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Holy free passes Batman! Mist Club is giving away a whopping amount of 50 passes to Volume 2nd Anniversary Party feat. DJ Bravo (HK), and each one of ’em is inclusive of a +1 and a surprise gift. So friggin’ generous and it ain’t even Christmas yet.

Date 10 December 2011
Time 10pm
Venue Mist Club

DJ Bravo is the current resident DJ of Hong Kong’s celebrity hotspot Volar, instantly making him the most iconic figure in that region’s nightlife scene. Part of the Bum Squad DJ crew, you’d be hard-pressed to walk into a club and not hear his handiwork blairing in the airwaves. With a humble history in the streets of Queens, New York, DJ Bravo has gone stepped up his life game and performed everywhere from Brazil, Hawaii, Vietnam to South Africa. His trademark style of quick mixing, scratching and remixing live is something you not only wouldn’t want to miss hearing but watching it too.

To win a pass, entertain us by answering this silly question;

What occasion would make you exclaim ‘bravo!’ in a club?

Send your answer along with your full name, IC and handphone number with the subject ‘Volume 2nd Anniversary’ to [email protected] before 8 December 2011.

Winners will be notified 9 December 2011.

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