Win! 5 Pairs of Passes to Carlsberg Where’s the Party? 2012!

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It’s that time of the year again when Carlsberg gets you pumped up for a spontaneous party. JUICE is not privy to anything about it, we are asking where the party is at ourselves, but if the previous years’ Where’s The Party? events were any indication, this year’s ain’t gonna be anything less than epic. We got 5 pairs of passes to the party to give away, care to join us in drunken revelry?

Carlsberg’s Where’s the Party 2012?
Date Saturday 10 November 2012
Time TBA
Venue TBA

To win a pair, answer these 10 objective questions;

1) It’s 12am and the pub’s closing. What do you do?
A) Party on at the club next door
B) Call it a night and head home

2) A fight breaks out at the club. What do you do?
A) Keep calm, stay safe and carry on partying
B) Join in the fight

3) The power got cut off, and you hear music coming from a car outside the club. What do you do?
a) Go home and sulk
b) Party on outside the club

4) You get called for happy hour with your friends but you’re stuck in a meeting. What do you do?
A) Reject your friends because it’s work
B) Wrap up the meeting asap and invite your colleagues for happy hour

5) Your favourite club hit drops at the club. What do you do?
A) Grab your friends up on the podium and do the funky chicken
B) Sway from left to right like you’re too cool for school

6) The JUICE photographer wants to snap a picture of you for the magazine. What do you do?
A) Shy away
B) Smile and strike an awesome pose

7) A girl approaches you but the guy behind her might be her boyfriend. What do you do?
A) Talk to her anyway
B) Look away

8 ) Your wallet’s dry and you can’t afford any more beer. What do you do?
A) Get your friends to buy you beer
B) Go home

9) Your favourite band comes to town but you can’t afford the tickets. What do you do?
A) Stay home and watch their music videos on Youtube
B) Try your luck and join competitions to win tickets!

10) You had a bad day at work. What do you do?
A) Go home and watch Glee
B) Go home and watch How I Met Your Mother with a beer in hand

Then, as a tiebreaker, entertain us by telling us why you deserve to win money-can’t-buy tickets to the most epic party ever in 10 words.

Email your answers in before Tuesday 30 October 2012 along with your full nameIC and handphone number with the subject ‘Carlsberg Where’s the Party? 2012’ to [email protected]. Winners will be notified immediately after being chosen via phone.

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