Win 4 Pairs of Invites to Deer Society Sundown Party!

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Deer Society is back with another Sunday day party. Themed as a ‘Sundown Party’ and held on The Establishment’s rooftop, this iteration is a direct contrast to the synth-heavy lineup of DJs and electronic-based bands of Arcade Party. Naturally that could only mean a more stripped down vibe; a menagerie of singer-songwriters — Liyana Fizi, Meliha Faisal, and Ryota Katayama — and Nusantara electro rock band PITAHATI will be playing alongside hosts Deer Society and JUICE‘s personal best new find of 2012, Adam Kasturi.

In addition to that, curating a well thought out screening of some of his favourite movies on that date, party boy extraordinaire John Hafiz will prove himself to be quite the film enthusiast.

Deer Society Sundown Party
Date Sunday 16 December 2012
Time 4pm
Venue Rooftop, The Establishment

To win a pair of invites, all you need to do is entertain us by answering the question below.

Q: You are on your very last breath and about to witness the last sunset you will ever see in your life, describe the scenery. Must involve unicorns and Nicolas Cage.

Email your answers in by 12pm Saturday 15 December along with your full nameIC and handphone number with the subject ‘Deer Society Sundown Party’ to [email protected]. Winners will be notified immediately via email and phone.


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