Wife Finds RM15,000 In Her Purse That Her Husband Gave Her For Food Deliveries While She Was Hospitalised

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Dah sebulan keluar hospital, isteri baru perasan suami selit RM15,000 dalam beg tangan untuk order makanan - “Saya bertuah bukan hanya kerana duit berkepuk tu” - Viral | mStar

How much does your husband love you?

Does he cook for you? Watch the kids while you’re at work? Do the dishes without having to be asked?

Or does your husband stash RM15,000 in your purse for you to make food deliveries while you’re hospitalised?

Because that was the case for a local woman who recently rediscovered the staggering amount of cash after she was discharged.

Uploading a post to her Facebook, the woman who prefers to be known only as Kak Aida, shared that when she opened the purse she took with her to the hospital, she was shocked to find that there was RM15,000 in cash.

In an interview with mStar, the 38-year-old said the last time she opened the purse was in December, when she was warded to get her kidney stones removed.

She had to undergo surgery and with that, she had certain food limitations. But her husband stuck by her side throughout the whole time, only leaving her to tend to urgent calls or emergencies at home regarding the children.

Dah sebulan keluar hospital, isteri baru perasan suami selit RM15,000 dalam beg tangan untuk order makanan - “Saya bertuah bukan hanya kerana duit berkepuk tu” - Viral | mStar

However, whenever her husband was around, she revealed that she felt immensely loved and cared for since he would order food that she liked so she wouldn’t have to eat the bland hospital meals.

The reason why she completely forgot about the money was because when her husband was away, she would fill her time by sleeping and resting.

After being discharged and upon finding the cash again, she asked her husband about it and her husband simply replied with, “I don’t know what that money is for” as if he himself had forgotten all about it as well.

While that is a heartwarming story, I can’t help but wonder who carries around RM15,000 in cash or even uses it for food deliveries?

Isn’t that unsafe?

Why didn’t he just inject that money into the Grab account or just give her his credit card to make the payments?

These are just a few questions my curious, wandering mind has. What do you think?

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