What Went Down: Ritmo Do Brasil @ Frangipani

Image Go Communications
Party animals got to move their hips to the most awaited Ritmo Do Brasil (Rhythm of Brazil) that made its return to Frangipani Restaurant and Bar on Saturday for the third time as one of the biggest Brazilian-themed events in Malaysia. Presented by Bantus Capoeira Malaysia, the party attracted more than 500 guests of different cultures both local and international.
Located at Changkat Bukit Bintang, Frangipani consists of a restaurant at the bottom floor designed perfectly with a water feature in the middle; which was drained out for the night’s event and a bar located on the upper floor.
The night was filled with Brazilian themed dances such as Sambistas and Forro followed by a tribal sketch, Maculelê. Saving the best for last, the crowd went berserk when the Capoeira troupe demonstrated their explosive fusion moves of martial arts and dance accompanied by African-Brazilian music. Fire-eaters and axe dancers filled the small gaps in between performances to keep the crowd rushing with adrenaline.
Just as you thought the night was about to end, the party was taken to the next level. All guests were moved upstairs to the bar for an even feverish party while the Terca & Quinta band moved the crowd on the dancefloor to the beat of Batucada. Luscious Brazilian themed drinks were served to go along with the ambience to get everyone into the Brazilian fever.
Ritmo Do Brasil was presented by Bantus Capoeira Malaysia on 26th November at Frangipani Restaurant and Bar. Be sure you get your rhythm on for next year’s Ritmo Do Brasil. Check out photos for the night here.