What Went Down: Pitbull Live @ Sunway Surf Beach

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Anxious fans began lining up at the ticket counter at Sunway Lagoon on a cloudy Thursday evening; waiting to see Mr, 305; Pitbull. Some were dressed in Pitbull T-shirts and some were just dressed to party. The slight drizzle didn’t dampen any moods because as soon as the gates opened, everyone focused on rushing to the concert area for the best spots.
As the crowd gathered in their designated areas, the very talented DJ Joe Maz gave us the warm up that we needed as he spun some familiar tracks, putting his own funk on them.
Just as we were getting in the party mood, the rain began to get heavier and heavier. Soon, there were lightning bolts in the sky. I’m pretty sure it would’ve been a good idea for the event organisers to have given out ponchos – as what is usually done for outdoor concerts; especially during the monsoon season.
As the crowd got drenched, music was played and we sang along as Pitbull’s song ‘Rain Over Me’ blasted from the speakers. After which, the music stopped and everyone roared with annoyance as the speakers started getting wrapped up in protective plastic. Since the event had no MC, we were all kept in the dark.
About half an hour later, an announcement was then made telling us all to find shelter and that the show would only begin once the rain has desists.
You could already hear people saying that there’s a huge possibility that the show will cancelled.
As the rain started to lighten, people started running back to the concert area but many stopped to buy ponchos at a dear price of RM10.
A loud cheer erupted as the plastics were removed from the speakers and instruments on the stage and after a few sound checks; we were all bobbing our heads to the sounds of Mizz Nina’s hits – ‘What you Waiting For?’ and ‘Takeover’ among others; as she kicked off the concert at 10PM.
It was a short and sweet performance; and moments after she trotted off stage with her dancers, Big Syphe spun a few tracks for us before Pitbull appeared in front of our eyes; sleekly clad in black from head to toe sporting a shirt, jacket, slacks and shades. He wasted no time and jumped into the first song of the night ‘Shut it Down’.
The gloominess of the night simply faded away as he belted out hits from all his albums including ‘Shut It Down’, ‘Hey Baby’, ‘I Know You Want Me’, ‘Rain Over Me’ and ‘Hotel Room Service’. He even showed off his swagger with his racy dance moves; which really got the crowd excited.
“We’re not gonna let a little rain storm, thunder storm or lighting storm spoil our night!” he said, as the crowd cheered on.
Everyone was dancing as he performed a medley of songs that he collaborated on suchas ‘On the Floor’, ‘I Like It’ and ‘DJ Got Us Fallin’ In Love’. Pitbull had singlehandedly transformed the surf beach into a club!
Mr. Worldwide then improvised the lyrics of Krazy for us – “In Malaysia they get krazy” he sang, and repeated every verse throughout the song; fanning the flames of the crowd’s enthusiasm.
“Malaysia knows how to party!” he claimed – which all of us would agree with!
Prior to his last song performance of the night “Give Me Everything”, Pitbull disclaimed how meaningful the song was to him, not only did it hit the number 1 around the globe, it also depicts particular life changing moments of his. “I want you to give me everything you’ve got!” he demanded – and the crowd favourably obeyed as we danced and sang our hearts out.
He then thanked us and bid us all a warm goodbye. “This is Mr. 305 checking out…Daleeeee!”, he yelled, before leaving the stage. In case you were always wondering, “dale” translates to “do it” in Spanish.
A night to remember it was and a true performer he is. Pitbull, we’ll be waiting for your next trip to Malaysia!
Pitbull got Krazy in Malaysia on 1 December 2011 at Sunway Lagoon Surf Beach.