What Malaysians Secretly Wish They Could Do In Their Workplace

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source: SAYS

No matter how much you love your job, there’s always room for improvement.

Since a lot of us spend almost all day at the office, there’s sure to be something we wish we could do at work to make our working lives more enjoyable.

source: Gyfcat

Ever felt like sneaking a drink during office hours? With the new non-alcoholic Heineken 0.0, now you can! More deets at the end of the story.

In collaboration with Heineken, we asked Malaysians to confess the things they wish they could do in the office.

Here’s what they had to say:

Note: These answers were submitted to us. We wrote out and photographed them on their behalf. Names have been changed for privacy.

1. “I wish I could bring my doggo to work”

source: SAYS

“I know there’s a lot of pet-friendly offices out there but sadly mine is not one of them 🙁 I have a big, fluffy Chow Chow that I super love, he always looks so sad and whines when I leave for work every morning. I’d love to be able to bring him along to the office.”

– Felicia, Accountant

2. “I wish I could comfortably take the occasional nap”

source: SAYS

“Okay lah, it’s not like I can’t nap right now. Sometimes when I’m really burnt out, I just put my head down on my table and take a quick power nap. But it would be great if our office had nap rooms for us to rest and recharge.”

– James, Writer

3. “I wish I could control the office temperature”

source: SAYS

“Don’t laugh at me, this is totally a thing okay! Our office has a central aircond system so no one can control it. We’re always sending emails to HR complaining that it’s too hot or too cold lol damn kesian them. If only there was a way to adjust it ourselves then we wouldn’t have to kacau them so much!”

– Nalini, Investment Banker

4. “I wish I had the freedom to not work at my desk”

source: SAYS

“It would be nice if we didn’t have to be stuck at our desks all day but our office doesn’t have any other areas for us to work from, even though we all have laptops. I get so restless sitting in one spot the whole day.”

– Rohan, IT Technician

5. “I wish I could get free massages at work”

source: SAYS

“I know this is a bit unrealistic la haha, but hey a girl can dream! I get so stiff sitting at my desk all day, especially my shoulders and neck. Having an in-house masseuse to work out all the tension and knots would be a dream come true omgggg I can just imagine the bliss already. But I’d settle for a really good massage chair too hehe.”

– Ching Yee, HR Executive

6. “I wish that I could take breaks and have a bit of fun”

source: SAYS

“With my job, it’s pretty much go, go, go all day, every day so it can get pretty tiring and stressful. Having something like a game room with stuff like pool and foosball tables, gaming consoles, etc. where we could chill and blow off some steam would be awesome! I think it’ll really help with team bonding too.”

– Anand, Branch Manage

7. “I wish that our office would provide us with free food”

source: SAYS

“I’m so jealous of those offices that give their employees free meals or even just a fully stocked pantry will all kinds of free snacks. My office doesn’t have any of those, we all keep our own snack stashes.”

– Justin, Software Engineer

8. “I wish that I was able to workout in the office”

source: SAYS

“I usually hit the gym before coming in to work but life would be so much easier for me if there was a gym in the office, complete with showers. Then I could just drive straight to office, get in my morning workout, and still be ready to start working on time.”

– Meena, Education Counsellor

9. “I wish I could have a drink at work”

source: SAYS

“My friend’s office has a bar, damn nice wei! They can only drink after office hours lah but it’s still pretty cool. Imagine being able to sip on a cold beer after a long day, ahhh so syiok!”

– Micheal, Corporate Communications Manager

For those who like beer, you no longer have to wait till after work hours to have one. With the new Heineken 0.0, you can enjoy a Heineken anytime, anywhere!

source: SAYS

You have probably heard of the Heineken 0.0 which is Heineken’s first non-alcoholic malt beverage… it still tastes just as good as a Heineken Beer! We enjoyed its fruity notes and soft, malty body.

You can enjoy Heineken whenever you want – during work, lunch, after a workout, or before a drive. Just make sure you’re non-Muslim and at least 21 years old k? 😉

source: SAYS

Do find out more about Heineken 0.0 here and if you would like to purchase one, head to the nearest supermarket or order now via Drinkies.my!

What do you wish you could do in the office? Let us know in the comments below! 😉

This story was originally published on SAYS.

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