WATCH: Teen Couple Caught Having Sex in Car at McD’s Parking Lot Drags Policeman During Escape

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We’re all missing our boo during this pandemic since some of us are separated by roadblocks and the inter-district ban. So when we finally get to see each other again, all bets are off.

However, for this young couple, their reunion was stopped pre-maturely by the police who caught them having sex in a car at a McDonald’s parking lot.

A video posted by Twitter user @MirzaAmirin quickly gained traction when it depicted a chaotic on-foot police chase of a blue Perodua Alza.

The video shows the car reversing into a tree before a cop jumps onto the hood, attempting to stop them from getting away. Shining flashlights into the car and even kicking the door, three policemen were seen battling their hearts out to catch the love-drunk teens.

Towards the end, even a few civilians stepped in to help.

Watch the altercation below:

The incident was said to have taken place at McDonald’s Bandar Baru Bangi at approximately 10:30pm. Mirza, the person who recorded the chase, was at the scene because he was selling phones and a customer suggested that particular spot for the COD.

According to him, raids often happened there but he never thought he would witness a scene quite as chaotic as that one. He told The Vocket that he had his camera ready because the car was parked at a suspicious spot and the overly tinted windows were bound to attract the police’s attention.

In the end, police managed to track the plate number of the blue Alza and the couple, 19 and 20 years old, are now under arrest.

The moral of the story: Perhaps invest in an Airbnb?

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