WATCH: Musician Serenades Vaccine Recipients With Calming Tunes At Thai Vaccination Centre

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A vaccination centre in Bangkok, Thailand. source: The Bangkok Post

Getting a Covid-19 vaccine shot (or any other shot for that matter) can be quite a nerve-wracking experience for some people. You just might start scrolling through your social media feeds to feel a little less anxious and doing so, you might have come across this video…

A viral Facebook video of a Covid-19 vaccination centre at a mall in Thailand shows a singer strumming his acoustic guitar, serenading vaccine recipients on the floor who are getting their jabs.

Central Plaza Nakhon Ratchasima where the video was taken, and The Mall Nakhon Ratchasima are two venues designated as vaccination centres in Korat, Thailand. The former can accommodate up to 6,000 people while the latter 3,000.

Yesterday, Thai authorities launched the mass vaccination programme for the elderly and those with chronic health conditions in Nakhon Ratchasima, aiming to immunised 9,000 people per day.

There is no telling if the other venue has its own busker, but hopefully with the singer’s beautiful voice can help ease for those taking their vaccination at the centres.

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