WATCH: Bridegroom Receives Penis Rings, Condoms as Inappropriate Wedding Gifts From Horny Friends

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(source: Wedding Planner Malaysia)

In your mind, what do you first picture when you hear the word “marriage”?

Marriage may represent many different things to many different people. It might be about two people who are destined to be together finally making their commitment public to one other and the world. It could also be about connecting families or accomplishing your lifelong goal.


However, 8 guests thought it was appropriate to present the groom with sex goods at his wedding in front of family members and children.

A TikTok video of a wedding that took place just days ago recently became widespread on Twitter.

A number of men, wait, I mean boys, were seen in the video waiting in line to congratulate the happy newlyweds. Which is customary during weddings.

What these guys are giving the newlyweds, however, is anything from typical.

The video begins with the Best Man holding out a packet of penis rings and asking the camera, “What is this?”

He then hands the groom his wedding gift with complete assurance, prompting the groom to laugh it off in an effort to prevent any more humiliation. His face quickly turned red.

To rub salt in the wound, the hard-to-watch 2 minutes video then showed seven more little boys giving the couple merely condoms as presents.

The bride’s unease reaction to the scenario was palpable, which is a sad reality to face. Really, it’s hard to blame her. All these guys could think about was you making love with your new spouse.

The groom is even seen putting all of the presents in a pile behind him, indicating that he does not want any of them.

To you fellas in the video giggling at this entire thing, do you know what’s actually funny to me? The fact that you’re so broke that you had to settle with giving your pal a couple of incredibly cheap presents at his wedding.

It makes more sense to present the newlyweds with something that will be put to good use in their new home than to purchase them something useless that they can get at the local convenience shop.

It’s also incredibly tasteless to wear a round-neck t-shirt and ugly pairs of slippers to a formal event lah boys. Do we still have to teach you that?

On the other hand, don’t just take my word for it. All of these comments should serve as a warning that your tactless actions have not gone unnoticed.

One Twitter user said, “Next time, don’t invite garbage like these as it will only embarrass you. I feel bad looking at the bride.”

Another user posted a meme of Patrick praying with the caption “Another day of thanking Allah for not making me that guy.”

“These things aren’t funny you idiots.” expressed one commenter.

Let’s not make a habit of this kind of thing at weddings; after all, it’s a significant occasion. It’s meant to express happiness for your close friend’s new chapter in life.

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