VIDEO: We Hired A Personal Trainer To Help Us Hit Our Fitness Goals In 30 Days

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When it comes to exercising, it can be hard to find the motivation to really push yourself to go the extra mile

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That’s where personal trainers come in.

From teaching you how to properly use the equipment and fixing your posture, to encouraging you when you’re dead tired and designing specific workouts that suit you, personal trainers can be a huge help in helping you hit your fitness goals.

We challenged two of our colleagues to work with a personal trainer for 30 days! Did they manage to power through or did they KO halfway?

Watch the full video below to find out:

Did you think that things would start off easy? Hahahahahahaha no. The assessment session itself was already such a tough workout omgggg.

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Who the heck invented the assault bike and were they trying to kill us all?! That thing is the stuff of nightmares!

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Sam: “Dude, the assault bike!”

Brenda: “OMG, who the heck invented that bike? We HATED that!”

Sam: “Yeah!”

Brenda: “That was bad.”

Boxing was fun though! Super tiring, but still fun!

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The worst part was having to wake up super early to train before work ughhh. So they tried to squeeze in some extra Zs whenever they could lol.

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Brenda: “We are… too early for our class.”

Brenda: “I remember we took a nap.”

Sam: “No, YOU took a nap!”

But at the end of the 30 days, all their hard work finally paid off when they saw their pretty impressive results yaaaay!

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Sam: “I lost fat, I gained muscle mass.”

Brenda: “Yeah.”

Sam: “And I lost a bit of weight.”

Nicky (off-camera): “You lost 1.6kg of fat.”

Sam: “Wow!”

Nicky (off-camera): “And you gained 1kg of muscles.”

Throughout the challenge, Brenda and Sam kept themselves hydrated with Sprizter BonRica Hydrate Day

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When you sweat, you’re not just losing water, you lose electrolytes too. So after an intense workout that leaves you a sweaty mess, it’s important to not only rehydrate but also to replenish the electrolytes you’ve lost.

Gulping down a bottle of chilled Spritzer BonRica Hydrate Day is a great way to do this. It’ll cool you down after your workout, while also restoring lost fluids.

Spritzer BonRica Hydrate Day comes in two refreshing flavours – orange and lemon-lime. Try it today!

Click here for more information.

Image via Spritzer Bonrica

Keep it, juicy

*This story was originally published on SAYS.

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