[VIDEO] Here’s Why It Now Takes Longer To Get A Grab

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Do you feel like you have to wait a little longer for a Grab these days?

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The reason your ride takes longer is tied to a new government regulation in place, that requires all Grab drivers to obtain a Public Service Vehicle (PSV) licence.

What is it and how does it affect you? Watch this video to find out!

Announced by the Transport Ministry this July, the PSV licence has caused nearly half the number of Grab drivers to quit

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The Transport Minister, Anthony Loke, has since extended the deadline for e-hailing drivers to obtain their PSV licence by October.

The onboarding process has put off a lot of part-timers because of the extensive steps they have to go through. However the number of riders remains high.

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In order to obtain a PSV licence, drivers must set aside about 16 hours for training, car inspection, medical check-up, and additional car insurance at their own expense.

Put off by the process, many part-timers who make up the majority of e-hailing drivers, have opted out of Grab.

So while ridership demand remains high, because of these new driver requirements, it may take you longer and be more expensive when you book a ride.

But the good thing about the new regulation is that it ensures consistent safety and quality standards for the rider

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We spoke to John Siew, a full-time Grab driver, who said, “Personally, I think the new regulation is good because most of the drivers don’t know about the customer service and rules.”

So, what’s the best way for you to deal with this?

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  1. Plan your day ahead to avoid delays and inconvenience
  2. Use delivery services to get things done during peak hours

At the end of the day, these changes help us all get home safely and with peace of mind

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Hopefully with the new PSV deadline, we won’t have to worry about long waits anymore!

To learn more about Grab’s initiatives to help drivers through the regulatory processes, click here.

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