Celebrating Valentine’s Day, M’sian Couples Tell JUICE How They First Knew They Were In Love

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12 Best Flowers for Valentine's Day - Popular Roses & Arrangements to Send to Your Valentine
source: Town and Country Magazine

Valentine’s Day is upon us and while life has been incredibly challenging over the years due to great loss, tragedies and the relentless effects of the Covid-19 virus, one thing remains: Love.

If you are an avid reader of JUICE, you would notice several admittedly pessimistic articles revolving the topic of Valentine’s Day, love and marriage – all written by yours truly…

But now, as you can tell from the headline, I chose to take a different approach and share the beauty of love and how it can positively affect not just the people in the relationship, but everyone who bears witness to it.


Well, because I’m in love…

Stills from Portrait of A Woman on Fire

Love is depicted in many ways, especially through grand gestures as seen in movies and as written in love songs.

While reality might not be as embellished as fiction, it is equally as beautiful simply because it is real.

In an effort to lighten everyone’s mood and brighten everyone’s day, I asked the love-drunk people of Twitter how they first knew that they were in love and the stories I have received will make your heart flutter.

Without further ado, here is a compilation of Malaysians regaling their love stories…

First things first, I asked my mother how she knew she was in love with my father. Her story is unconventional to say the least…

Yes, her profile picture is of her favourite child – our kitten…

In a similar fashion, I asked JUICE’s Editor the same question and he got back to me with this… What is it with Millennials and pungent smells? [Ed’s Note: I’m a Gen X-er]

But in all seriousness, loving someone despite their smells and embarrassing moments is a true testament to your bond with them.

And sometimes, love doesn’t come easily. It’s work, dedication and a whole lot of patience…

But of course, it’s all worth it when you can sit down and be completely at ease and safe with the person you love…

And no. Love doesn’t have to be hard for it to be strong. Sometimes all it takes is laughter and a mutual appetite for life

While most of us have pretty grounded stories about falling in love, for some of these lucky buggers, their stories sounded as if they were taken right out of a romantic comedy!

The poetry! *chef’s kiss*

Rupi Kaur is trembling, crying and quaking in a corner somewhere…

However, not everyone gets a happy ending because love can be unrequited at times. But even in these situations, these stories prove that love is bigger than self-satiation, it’s selfless and unconditional

And sometimes, it takes almost losing someone to realise just how right they are for you

To conclude, sometimes you don’t need sappy stories of grand gestures in the rain. Sometimes it’s just this simple…

Happy Valentine’s Day to everyone who is celebrating!

But remember, Valentine’s Day is just an excuse to love them extra hard and that we have to love each other consistently no matter what the day of the year it is.

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