Tourism Minister Nazri Seeks Forgiveness From TMJ

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(source: JOHOR Southern Tigers/Facebook)

Tourism and Culture Minister Datuk Seri Nazri Aziz sought an audience from the Royal Johor Family to apologise for his ill comments towards the Crown Prince of Johor, fondly known as TMJ

The feud occurred back in 2015, when the Crown Prince of Johor was given a warning that said: “Stay out of politics or we would whack you.”

Nazri also added that “Rulers and royal families are above the law. They should not get involved or interfere in politics. If you (Tunku Ismail) want to be a politician then just say so. Then, we have the grounds to rebut.”

TMJ has always been known to be vocal about the politics in Malaysia, and was in the spotlight for his comments regarding Prime Minister Najib Razak.

(source: JOHOR Southern Tigers/Facebook)

According to a statement from the Johor Southern Tigers Facebook page, Nazri came to not only apologise, but to seek His Majesty Sultan of Johor’s views and suggestions on national governance for the future.

HM Sultan Ibrahim was quoted by The Royal Press Office where he said, “As a human being, it is normal to make mistakes. So, if you realise you’ve done wrong, make amends quickly.”

The post by Johor Southern Tigers on their Facebook page was flooded with comments from netizens. Some even claimed that Nazri’s apology was just an act for the upcoming General Election.

Check out the comments on the post, here.

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