M’sian Boy Turns His Artwork Into Phone Cases & They Look Better Than The Ones At The Shop

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( Source : Noor Sarah Reza)

If you’re looking for a new phone case or if you’re an avid art collector, 8-year-old artist Rayyan Irfan Chai will be soon converting his artworks into phone cases with the help of his mother, Noor Sarah Reza, who’s a full-time artist.

Rayyan’s art had gained the attention of netizens after Sarah posted the mockups on Twitter.



The idea to turn Rayyan’s artwork into these colourful phone cases came through Sarah, as she had just turned her artworks into phone cases and wanted to do the same for Rayyan. With support from netizens, the phone cases will be in production as soon as the family finds a supplier, after that, they will open for pre-orders.

( Illustration purposes Source : Noor Sarah Reza)
(Illustration purposes  Source: Noor Sarah Reza)

Speaking to JUICE, Sarah says, “As a mother, I’m really touched by the support everyone is showing towards my boy for I find it very encouraging towards his growth as an artist (for now).” She adds that there would not be any ready stock phone cases as they will be limited edition merchandises for both their work.

In the future, Sarah plans to convert Rayyan’s artwork into other things like mugs and plates but will take it one step at a time for now.

( Source : Noor Sarah Reza)

Rayyan, who has been a lover of art since he was 4 years old, has been following his mother’s footsteps by attending her art classes as well as classes from other art studios like Olive Arts Studios and M.S. Khalid Studio.

If you’d like to see more of Rayyan’s progress, check out his Instagram here.

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