These Fashionable Chiang Mai Students Running For Ambassador Aren’t Playing

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Move over Lim Kok Wing students. With no fashion courses present, these students from Chiang Mai University (CMU) Thailand are gonna teach you a thing or two.

In case you’re wondering, nope, these aren’t from a photo series from Vogue or Top Model. Instead, this fashion shoot is for this year’s competition to find the next CMU Ambassador. The theme of the whole shoot is ‘Land Of Cultural Prosperity’. According to their Facebook page, CMU stated that the beauty of the past is still imprinted in every memory of people in each age. From past to present, the splendour of the art of Chiang Mai is blended into the contemporary and changing society. It reflects the new ideas of young people through what they wear.

Scroll down to see ‘The New Chiang Mai’ photo series and 15 students out of the 42 contestants that are running for the competition:

1.Faculty Of Science

2. Faculty Of Social Sciences

3. Faculty Of Nursing

4. Faculty Of Business Administration

5. Faculty Of Economics

6. Faculty Of Business Administration

7. Faculty Of Economics

8. Faculty Of Fine Arts

9. Faculty Of Political Science & Public Administration

10. Faculty Of Mass Communication

11. Faculty Of Agriculture

12. Faculty Of Fine Arts

13.  Faculty Of Engineering

14. Faculty Of Humanities

15. Faculty Of Pharmacy

They killed it tbh. If you want to see other contestants click here.

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