The Festival Survival Guide: For the Music Fest n00b

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Bring your wallet. Keep your cash and identification close to you.
Have friends who are going too? Travel together.
Park farther than the venue unless you want to be stuck among thousands of cars later. A little walk won’t hurt. You’re gonna walk a lot anyway.
Watch your drinking. Getting tipsy is fine, but this is not a rave, it’s a music festival with live bands alongside DJs, you are meant to enjoy the music.
Carry cheap equipment. Unless you are an actual photographer, your DSLR is going to be just deadweight for the remainder of the festival.
Be prepared of weather woes. The sun shiny day you arrive to might just turn out to be a rainy later.

It’s an outdoor music fest, don’t wear overly stylish clothes. Especially you, yes you, the girl in high heels
Just say no to illegal substance. Security will be tight and you don’t want to ruin the fest for everyone when the authorities shut it down due to you.
If no one else is singing a lot, don’t… just don’t. Some of us are there to listen to our favourite acts sing you know, not your bastardisation of their singing.
Just like in the clubs, don’t simply accept any drinks from a stranger.
Don’t go alone. If you do, make sure you already have friends there.
For the love of god, don’t bring your kids! They belong at home watching Disney reruns and not at the fest watching your best mate get drunk and pick a fight with equally-drunk hipsters.