The Amusing Collection of Free Stuff Media Journos Got at Istana Negara

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(source: Twitter @MTopokki)

As our current political mess is still ongoing, today marks the third day of reporters camping out in front of Istana Negara. Stepping away from all the serious stuff, reporters were treated to some finger-licking goodness – KFC while waiting for updates on the first day.

Ever since that story went viral, it has turned into an opportunity for other brands to “set-up shop” to give-away not only food but other random products!

(source: Twitter @atulmimpimika)

Yes, it’s that bad! If you have no idea of how crazy the freebie give-outs are getting, Twitter user @AriffJ93 decided to share some of the food and products he got while at Istana Negara.

Check this overwhelming list out:

*All photos below belong to @AriffJ93

























We’re not kidding when we said they were gifted with A LOT of knick-knacks. Another Twitter user also poked fun at this whole situation with a photoshopped picture that got us LOL-ing.

Imagine if this happened… bazaar ramadhan came early!

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