Terengganu State Gov’t Withdrew From Women’s Gymnastics As It Can Arouse Men

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(source: NST)

According to Utusan Malaysia, The Terengganu government is drafting guidelines on syariah-compliant attire and conduct for athletes.

State Youth, Sports and Non-Government Development Committee chairman Wan Sukairi Wan Abdullah said the guidelines would not only cover aspects of syariah compliant sportswear but also how athletes socialise and conduct themselves during events.

He explained that the state government was forced to withdraw from several sport events that it considered them against Islamic requirements.

Sukairi named rhythmic gymnastics and women’s gymnastics as two of them, adding that these sports exposed the athletes’ bodies and the movements were considered indecent for spectators. In their official media statement, it was stated that these types of sports could make “men aroused”.


“There is no compromise for these sports (rhythmic gymnastics and women’s gymnastics) as they display indecent movements, and unless the audience comprises only women, then maybe we will allow them.

“Even then, it would still be against the respective sports’ governing body regulations,” he said.

The state government is currently taking in feedback on the new code of conduct from sports associations, academics, and the state mufti.

(source: Buletin Online)

Sukairi added that this move will not affect non-Muslims in Terengganu who want to participate in the sports – the same way tourists and non-Muslims are allowed to dress in a similar way on Terengganu’s islands.

According to Malaysia Kini, Youth and Sports Minister Syed Saddiq Syed Abdul Rahman has pledged to look into Terengganu’s move to draft a shariah-compliant code of conduct for athletes.

(source: BERNAMA)

He told reporters in a WhatsApp group today when asked, that he would speak to Sukairi personally on the matter.

“I’ve spoken to him before when there was news about this, and he gave me his commitment that he would ‘advise’ not ‘coerce/force’. My stance on this is clear. Athletes are our national heroes and heroines, regardless of what they wear. They sacrifice so much for Malaysia,” he said today.

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