Tealipas: Cockroach Found Inside Tealive Drink, German Or American? Founder Bryan Loo Responds

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Source: Viral Cham

“What’s worse than finding a worm in your apple?” A cockroach in your boba. Lipas terlepas dalam Tealive.. Tealipas? 

A Tealive customer had an unfortunate encounter with this nuisance of a bug in his drink and posted about it on Facebook.

Source: Hype MY

As the post states, the netizen strolled into one of the Tealive stalls in Bukit Jalil at around 7pm.

I doubt this was what he had in mind when he was looking for a refreshing drink. He had almost finished his boba when he realised there was a creepy crawly creature at the very bottom of the plastic cup, dead.

Of course, the post went viral and Tealive founder Bryan Loo opened an investigation on this. According to Hype, he mentioned in an interview that the company’s customer service has already contacted the victim.

Source: Generation T

At the time, the victim stated they were in good health and promised to contact the company again. However, the victim did not follow up with the company, nor did they leave a phone number.

Despite not knowing if the claim is true or not, Bryan stated that an apology will be issued to the customer and advised him to visit a clinic for a check up, with Tealive compensating the medical bills.

“Because we don’t (know) the truth, we will also check the closed-circuit television (CCTV) in the store,” says the founder.

“(According to) preliminary investigations, the victim checked the drink when receiving it. We believe the cockroach was not placed in the drink by an employee.”

To his defence, Bryan also included that the Bukit Jalil branch had undergone pest control on 17th September, and reported back that they found a few German cockroaches in August, but not American cockroaches.

Source: Fantastic Pest Control

Apparently, German cockroaches were smaller while American cockroaches were bigger and usually appeared in homes.

“After a restaurant has finished doing pest control, large American cockroaches will not come. They have never seen such a large cockroach before,” he added.

He’s adamant on taking this matter seriously and said that they will get pest control teams to pay another visit to the store, although they haven’t found any roaches since their last visit.

Personally I’ve never been a fan of boba anyway. I’ll skip the special ‘extra ingredient’ and stick to my coffee, thanks.

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