Selangor King Bans Politicians From Teaching Islam In The State To “Protect Religious Sanctity”

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A religious sermon being conducted in a mosque. (source: Bernama)

The Selangor King, DYMM Sultan Sharafuddin Idris Shah, has by royal decree banned politically-linked activists and politicians from teaching Islam in the state.

In line with the decree, the Selangor Islamic Religious Council (MAIS) chairman Abdul Aziz Mohd Yusof said that credentials previously given to these individuals will also be revoked, effective Friday, 31 December.

Sultan Sharafuddin Idris Shah. (source: Bernama)

“To protect the sanctity of Islam in Selangor, the Sultan does not consent to accrediting political activists to teach Islam because it is feared that it could be misused for the benefit of any political party which would eventually lead to slander, discord and division among Muslims,” Abdul Aziz was quoted by Bernama.

Teaching Islam in the state requires an official credential from the MAIS Credentials Committee, of which unaccredited preachers could be fined and/or imprisoned under Section 118 of the Administration of the Religion of Islam (Selangor) enactment.

MAIS chairman Abdul Aziz Mohd Yusof. (source: theSundaily)

However, the MAIS chairman says that an exception is made for the state exco holding the Islamic Affairs portfolio – currently held by Zawawi Mughni of PKR – provided that they do not touch on political matters.

According to theSundaily, the decision to restrict politicians from teaching Islam was first mooted by the Selangor Royal Court council as far back as March 2019.

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