Scholars Claim that English Originated from Ancient China

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English actually came from China. Well, that’s what the World Civilisation Research Association said. The group, made up of Chinese Scholars and Professors claimed that English derived from Mandarin, which means the English language is actually Chinese.

That’s not all, they also claimed that most European languages are Mandarin dialects and that Western Civilisation actually originated from China.

These claims, as they say, are backed up with 20 years worth of research, and were presented at the first ever China International Frontier Education Summit in Beijing last July.

(source: Thinkstock)

World Civilisation Research Association Vice-President and Secretary-General Zhai Gui Yun said that many English words are derived from Mandarin and to prove this, he gives an example of “yellow” that’s derived from the Mandarin word “yelou”, which means “leaf drop.”

Another example he gave is the word “heart”, which sounds like the Mandarin “hede”, meaning “core”. He said this evidence proves that English is just another Mandarin Dialect and added that Russian, French, German and other European languages also came from China.

Apart from claiming the origins of these languages, the scholars also claimed that Western Civilisation originated from China. Another member of the association, Professor Zhai Du Ganjian said there was no history of European civilisations before the 15th century and ancient Greek, Roman and Egyptian civilisations were fabricated and based on Chinese History.

(source: Washington Post)

“Before the 15th and 16th centuries, Europe had no history, only myths and legends,” he said.

He continued to add that “Europe was a primitive society before the Middle Ages,” and allegedly changed after the introduction of China’s Zhou Dynasty.

The group made a lot of wild claims, even saying that Shakespeare plays were all fake. However, the scholars’ claims were not convincing to Chinese netizens. On social media platform Weibo, users called them “Wolf Warrior Scholars”.

One Chinese user said: “Thanks, we can no longer laugh at the Koreans who claimed Confucius and Genghis Khan are Korean.”

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