REXKL To Host 2-Day Music Event With Undercurrent, Proceeds Go Towards Helping Flood Victims

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It’s been a while since we could attend live music gigs and festivals ever since the pandemic forced the industry to a screeching halt.

Now, since things are looking up, I’m sure we’re all itching to experience the highs of a live music gig before coming down with the inevitable post-concert depression.

So, look no further! There’s a two-day live show happening this weekend at REXKL featuring artistes and bands from Malaysia’s music scene.

Supported by CENDANA and in partnership with REXKL and Martian Backline, independent record label Breaking Music is kicking off the year with its second Undercurrent — a live music event showcasing different artistes and bands as a way to revive KL’s entertainment industry following these recent tumultuous years.

Only fully vaccinated individuals will be allowed to attend the event which will take place at REXKL on 7 and 8 January. Doors open at 7.30pm on both days.

Ticket prices are as follows:

  • RM60 for one day
  • RM100 for both days

They also have a group pass option for tickets, which consists of 4 two-day passes at RM360 in total. You can purchase your tickets here!

A portion of all ticket sales will be donated to MERCY Malaysia in aid of flood victims which will assist them in restoring the damage done in their homes by the recent floods.

JUICE had a little chat with Breaking Music’s Head Producer, Lim Hong Koon, as he shares what the event is really all about!

“It’s really all about encouraging people to do their part in helping out for a good cause, while having a good time with even better music,” the producer said.

Speaking from the other side of things, many local acts haven’t been able to perform live shows over the course of the past year due to the reoccurring MCOs.

“This could help revive the local music scene since a lot of acts have just been making music at home, and I’m sure many of us miss performing on stage.”

If you attended the first Undercurrent show in March 2019, you’ll see some familiar faces here too. Returning to the stage will be lost spaces, Crinkle Cut and Talitha.

Alongside them will be TY:DEL, Monoriff, Mayabayu, FUGO, and a new upcoming act, Apriltwentyfifth!

Each artist will take turns performing their best work during the shows and will bring an opportunity to meet other creatives who share similar interests and passions to hopefully help build the creative industry back to where it was before.

Visit the event page for further info and you can listen to the artists on this specially curated playlist!

See you there!

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